Today I finally found time to build my office. I did my desk a week ago and today it was time for the coffee table, and chairs from Ikea.
The chairs came in these great boxes, and the girls were done with their morning movie and cocoa, so I gave them each a box and went back to work (while Coraly was garage sale-ing).
About a half hour later I walked out of the room to find the girls, since they were so quiet. Here is what I found:

Me: "Maisen!"
Her: "What Daddy?"
Me: "Where are you?"
Her: "In my box."
I have THE MOST BRILLIANT granddaughters! They must take after their Darlin'! But...why weren't you paying better attention to my grandchildren?
Can't wait to see your new office, but where will I sleep?
Grandmother says that those boxes are big enough to mail them to San Diego in...just poke a few wholes and put in food and they will arrive here safely!!
Hey, Darlin', You'll have to sleep where I get to the shed in the backyard or in the room with the our beautiful girls! We sure did good!!!
Don't you love that we spend so much money on toys for our kids when they have way more fun playing with cardboard boxes?
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