Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Swing Shift

Whoever thought that a swing shift was as much fun as a swing needs a punch in the throat...
Boss: Hey Jeff, we have some schools to finish, so you are working a swing shift, meet there at 3.
Me: Okay.
Me (to myself):Yes! I get to spend the day working on my business, and have time to spend with my girls before school!
Me (at 2:30 the following morning):This is not fun... zzzzzzzz... WAKE UP! You still have to drive home!

But that is the end of my complaining, since I have a job, and the swing shift has allowed me to get a lot of stuff done for my business. Business Cards, Reading Code Books, Drawing details, etc.

Before I end this very short blog, I have to say that there are a few people that make this possible:
Jesus, for giving me a job and the strength to do it.
My wife, for her support, advice, and somehow saving our budget by getting us 2 full weeks of groceries for only $95.80! (A few months ago she had $75 for one week!) You are awesome, and no matter what you say, I am the lucky one!
My kids for loving me no matter what time I am home (But they really love that "Daddy has his own business, so he is home more to play with us")
Lastly but not leastly to my great friends who are praying for me and supporting me and telling everyone about my business. The networking of my friends is what is going to keep the business alive. You are all great, I am blessed to have friends like you.


mommybader said...

I'm still waiting for my free business cards