Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Providing Convictions

Now if anyone does not provide for his own relatives, and especially for his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. - 1 Timothy 5:8

I have been trying to provide for my family in various ways, I got a job when I lost my other one, and when I saw that would not entirely provide, I started a drafting business to pick up some slack.

Right now neither is working. The structured cabling business is construction related, so things slowed a little, and then jobs got pushed back, so I have totaled 34 hours in 3 weeks. (One with zero) This is a tough time for all of us, so I request your prayers for our family. We knew the drafting would take time, but there are a few jobs that are in the works, and the drafting order is being delayed. The stress is starting to creep in, and we are all ready for some sort of normalacy to return to our lives. (Nothing has been normal since July 21st)

"for a man's anger does not accomplish God's righteousness." - James 1:20

I am trying to not be angry about all that is going on, especially towards those I know are lying about me and lying to themselves. I have been convicted about my sins of omission lately (doing nothing when I know something should be done, ie Adam's first sin) and there are certain things I need to stand up for. There are also certain things that I will not stir up because it would be of no benefit to anyone, and that would be a sin of commision (doing what I know is wrong).

I am not sure what my intention is with this blog, but I know that I will need a little extra prayer these next couple days, as I wait for jobs to start and I stand up in areas where I have been too passive.


mommybader said...

I pray for you and your family every day. Thanks for letting me know how I can be specifically praying.