Saturday, September 13, 2008


Today I finally found time to build my office. I did my desk a week ago and today it was time for the coffee table, and chairs from Ikea.
The chairs came in these great boxes, and the girls were done with their morning movie and cocoa, so I gave them each a box and went back to work (while Coraly was garage sale-ing).
About a half hour later I walked out of the room to find the girls, since they were so quiet. Here is what I found:

Layne listening to her Odyssey

Masien hiding...

Me: "Maisen!"
Her: "What Daddy?"
Me: "Where are you?"
Her: "In my box."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Swing Shift

Whoever thought that a swing shift was as much fun as a swing needs a punch in the throat...
Boss: Hey Jeff, we have some schools to finish, so you are working a swing shift, meet there at 3.
Me: Okay.
Me (to myself):Yes! I get to spend the day working on my business, and have time to spend with my girls before school!
Me (at 2:30 the following morning):This is not fun... zzzzzzzz... WAKE UP! You still have to drive home!

But that is the end of my complaining, since I have a job, and the swing shift has allowed me to get a lot of stuff done for my business. Business Cards, Reading Code Books, Drawing details, etc.

Before I end this very short blog, I have to say that there are a few people that make this possible:
Jesus, for giving me a job and the strength to do it.
My wife, for her support, advice, and somehow saving our budget by getting us 2 full weeks of groceries for only $95.80! (A few months ago she had $75 for one week!) You are awesome, and no matter what you say, I am the lucky one!
My kids for loving me no matter what time I am home (But they really love that "Daddy has his own business, so he is home more to play with us")
Lastly but not leastly to my great friends who are praying for me and supporting me and telling everyone about my business. The networking of my friends is what is going to keep the business alive. You are all great, I am blessed to have friends like you.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Profound Rapper

I just picked up some new music. I added Tedashi to my collection, because of the beats and the message.
In his song "Houston We Have a Problem" there is a line that has stuck with me for a few days.
"if you ain't living by grace you'll die by the letter"
I am no rap translator, but this I can handle.
If you are not living by the grace of God, then you will suffer an eternal death because you could not live by the letter of the law, meaning the 10 Commandments.
There are so many religions, and even people who do not think they are religious (although everyone is, it just means what you think about the beginning and end of time) try so hard to "do what is right" hoping that they are good enough to go to heaven. Or if they do not believe in heaven, then they want to be remembered as a good person.
Well me and my homeboy Tedashi are here to tell you, that if you have not accepted Christ and the sacrifice he made for you, there is no amount of good you can do to earn heaven. In fact, even if you have accepted Christ, you still cannot earn heaven. It is a gift that has been freely given to you, and you just have to accept.
Hell is not a myth, it is a place God created for those who want nothing to do with Him, to get what they asked for. It is utterly devoid of God, and that also makes it completely empty. You will not be drinking with your buddies in Hell. You will not be shoveling dirt with other hellions. You will be alone. More alone than you can ever imagine. No one to talk to or even see. No noise. No light. Nothing to do. This is a torture that exceeds anything we can do on this earth.
My heart aches for those that think this is all a way to feel good about ourselves. Christianity does not make you feel good about yourself. It makes you realize how bad you are, and how undeserving you are of God's love. It also makes you the most thankful you can be to be loved and saved.
Don't be wrong because of your pride and selfishness.
Eternity is a long time for regrets.
Eternity is also a short time away.