Sunday, April 27, 2008

What a Weekend!

The great NW sun decided to stay out for more than a few minutes and we took full advantage of it. Which means that I pulled out the BBQ, scrubbed the mold off it, relocated the slugs that hibernated there all winter, and fired it up!
The girls spent the morning digging for worms (see my wifes blog) and during their nap I mowed and cleaned up the yard a little. We also went to the park across the street to throw the softball around as we shake the rust out of our muscles getting ready for another church softball season.
We ended the evening by having some friends over to play the Wii. The bowling, tennis, baseball and boxing were hits, and the Wario Smooth Moves drew some laughs but the favorite was Carnival Games. It doesn't get much better than shooting ducks, throwing darts, dunking the Joe Dirt look-a-like and shooting hoops in a rim too small. All this without Bubba and his mom/cousin/uncle Betty Anne spilling nachos and cheap beer on your shoes as you try to whack the frog onto the teflon lilypads.
Sunday was spent helping a friend move and helping a friend get to Hawaii (see Wifes BBF Blog)
I have strayed away from my typical deep thoughts, but I may get there this week and get something for all of you to chew on. For now I will just hope for a 2-14 season for the Miami Cowboys and their recent Michigan additions! GO FINS!