"What you are speaks so loud I can't hear what you say!"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson.
This quote was used this weekend by the speaker at our church. It really got me thinking about the church in general and why it is so despised by some. As a church we speak at people, tell them to repent, tell them our way is better. Then we gossip about our neighbors, curse at our kids, and treat others in ways we would not want to be treated ourselves. Although we "talk the talk" we don't "walk the walk". So we should not be surprised that church attendance is down.
Unfortunately the church is thrust in the spotlight and most people miss that everyone does this. I think that we all like to talk the good talk and tell people that we really are better than the way we act. We tell everyone things like "I am not one to gossip, but Mrs. Jones had the gardener over three times this week" or "Usually I am really nice to the people in line at Walmart, but that guy looked at me funny". Even our politicians who are out to clean up the streets are finding out that it takes a lot more than talk to show people what you are.
It saddens me that the church is like this. But it frustrates me that the whole world is like this, and the church is condemned for it. Does anyone notice that the church is a group of humans? Although we strive for a higher standard, we are still humans and humans are not perfect. It is also unfortunate that only the bad "Christians" make it into the media, not the ones who are feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. But the media and it's treatment of the "religious" is a whole other soapbox that I will save for another time.
I will end with this:
Next time you think that the church is just a bunch of hypocrites, look at the 3 fingers pointing back at yourself and realize that no matter what you say, it is what you do that will define who you are.
the people cry...update man, update!!!
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