Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunburnt and Sore

This weekend was the big "Men's Workday" through my church. Out of the 15 guys that signed up to do it, only 8 showed up, one was my grandpa and 3 were from my life group. So we really only got 3 guys out of our church of almost 1500 to show up to help out a neighborhood. I have to say I am a little disappointed, but not too much, because the Lord came through in a big way. Every one of my neighbors that asked for work to be done, we got it done. We did a lot of yard work, replaced a heater, swept a roof, replaced a front door, put in a new light switch, built a new gate, and put down some weed felt. It was an awesome experience, and I hope we can do it again. The neighbors were really thankful and quite a few asked about our church. I did not hear any stories of converts, but that was not our intent. We did this to show the love of Jesus in a practical way. Since we cannot feed 5000 with some bread and fish, we knew that we could mow and weed gardens. Then the rest is up to the Holy Spirit.

That is about all I have for this weekend's edition. My neck is fried and my body is sore. But it was a great weekend, and ending it was my good buddies 29th bday party with BBQ and some poker. I had never played Texas Hold 'em before but I had more chips at the end then when I started so I did OK.


mommybader said...

You guys did an awesome job with that workday in your neighborhood. I'm sure the Holy Spirit will use that in a big way to influence people to getting to know our Lord Jesus!
I'm really glad you guys made it to Anthony's bday bbq/poker party. He had a lot of fun just hanging out with the guys. Thanks for being there!